Monday, 26 January 2015

2 Helpful Things For Your Hair

If your like me and does your hair styles really messily 
and then it end ups coming out! 
Or you forget to wash your hair and it smells horrible!
Don't worry I've had both of these problems  
and because of this it hasn't happened in ages.

Hair Spray

The Ultimate hold hair spray is amazing. It keeps my hair styles
in and nobody ever notices. It actually says a tip on the bottle 
and it really works " Spray a little on to brush and use to tame flyway ends. This tip is very useful and helps my hair look 
even better!

VO5 Ultimate hold hair spray:Boots 

Dry Shampoo

Dry Shampoo is also very helpful. Sometimes I do forget to wash my hair but dry shampoo will help it looking decent until 
you can wash your hair. It doesn't give the fool affect 
of actually washing your hair but it will make your hair not look as
as horrible and smelly. You don't need to put this on everyday 
it's not meant to be used everyday only if you think 
your hair doesn't look as good as it can be just give a little spray and you will be ready to go.

batiste Dry Shampoo:Boots 

Hopefully this helped you in anyway if it did 
I would really appreciate if you could tell some of your 
friends to get the word around. I'm doing this for fun and to help people. Lollypop xoxo 

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